A wise saying about chess, often attributed to Goethe, but apocryphal for all I know, goes like this. "For a game it is too serious, and for seriousness too much of a game."
Something similar is true of the world....
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
How the World is Like Chess
Sunday, November 28, 2004
An engineer's dream
Direct Link
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Chess Pie
CHESS PIE1 cup of melted butter
2 tablespoons water
6 eggs
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
1/4 cup flour
1 cup buttermilk
3/4 cup sugarWhile mixing pie, melt butter. Beat sugar, flour, and eggs. Add milk, water, and lemon juice. Add butter last.
Pour into crust. Bake in a pre-heated 400-degree F. oven until pie is firm and golden brown. Recipe makes enough pie batter for a ten-inch pie or two nine-inch pies.
No writing moves in advance at the US Championship!
Scorekeeping move-by-move except the player may write both his/her own move and the opponent's response at the same time but may not respond before completing the recording of the moves. Do not write the move before it is played.
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
The ultimate sacrifice
Lt Malcolm was a good chess player. He looked like any other young marines officer: skinny, shaven-headed, although with a quite beaky nose.
Anyway, you could always pick him out.He would be the one with the chess board placed on an up-ended box of MREs (Meal Ready to Eat), working out moves.
I got to know him a little bit, as his bunk was opposite mine.
I would watch as he gave chess tips to those of his men who had not completely given in to poker or hearts.
About five hours into the battle, Lt Malcolm was killed.
Using chess for geo-political analogies
The chess piece that Russia desires for its new great game
Ukraine has been a chess piece in a strategic game played out by stronger regional forces since it was first mentioned in the fourth century BC.
Monday, November 22, 2004
A chess miracle
The game of chess has brought about a miracle in one mother’s child. A year ago, 13-year-old Jon Rousseau was uncomfortable in public. But on Saturday, Jon managed the first Turkey Quad chess tournament ...
Jon’s mother, Cynthia Rousseau, said that since her son began playing chess in the club, his social and intellectual capacities have shot from "zero to 100 percent."
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Put your pen down ...
Finally the FIDE rules committee has done the right thing by outlawing the practice of writing your move down before you play it.
Article 8.1: In the course of play each player is required to record his own moves and those of his opponents in the correct manner, move after move, as clearly and legibly as possible, in the algebraic notation (Appendix E), on the 'scoresheet' prescribed for the competition. It is forbidden to write the moves in advance.
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Chess, Personality and Madness
The first is an article from The Guardian, "Chess: the new rook'n'roll?". While primarily a puff piece about the role celebrities might be playing in a resurgence of interest in chess, the article also includes this intriguing quote:
As former British champion Bill Hartston said: "Chess is not something that drives people mad; it is something that keeps mad people sane."
This brings me to the second item -- an essay by Mr. Femi Oyekan of New Orleans reprinted in full on a weblog titled "Chess Underground". Mr. Oyekan takes the position that playing chess at a serious level actually leads one to develop off-center personality traits. Here are a couple excerpts:
Those of us on "my side" (read: serious chess players) may be a little more ... roundabout in the way we do things, ... at ease with unconventional thought patterns and ideas, ... comfortable with things that are "iffy". We often like to come at things from the side, rather than head on. ... you might also find that "my side" doesn't exactly dominate the top of the "kindness" and "easy to get along with" lists. Not to say that we are out and out assholes but we may have less of a tendency to be accommodating. We are slightly more difficult cases.
For starters, since you are playing by yourself for yourself, you must trust yourself. A habit of constantly scrutinizing the ideas of others (hopefully fairly) is inevitably formed. In extreme instances, this can even lead to a "my way or the highway" approach, although that doesn't tend to sit too well with people. More regularly, a major distrust of pop culture and even society as a whole is often generated.
Friday, November 19, 2004
To live in a place where chess matters
What else…chess, I’ve been meaning to write about chess. Chess is huge here. Everywhere you go there are chess games in progress. In one of the squares downtown there is actually an outdoor chess board inlaid into the concrete. I’ve never seen it unused, and usually there are people clustered around it watching. The bar I’ve been visiting ("Oops Bar") has several regulars who watch for known chess players and will pounce on you as soon as you step in the place. Have to fend them off with a stick .... Other establishments are completely dedicated to chess, and make money off selling drinks (non-alcoholic) to players.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Visual representation of a computer playing chess
(hat tip: Soap Box Blog)
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Pixar short film
Monday, November 15, 2004
How to Play Chess With Beer
Update (11/19): This chess and drinking idea seems to be getting some traction in the blogosphere. Here is William Bragg's take.
BCC scenes from the mid-1990s
Let me be one of the first to comment on the soft launch with a news item about the past: namely, I posted a set of photos by Steve Stepak on the BCC photo site about the 1990s at the club. A bit of nostalgia.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Open for Business (sort of)
It is with both anticipation and trepidation that we kick this baby out of the nest. Fly, little bird, fly!
Friday, November 12, 2004
Blog Problems - Open Thread
Come to think of it, please leave a comment also if you are not experiencing problems so I can judge how widespread this issue is. Thanks.
Update (2/20 10:00pm EST): Seems to be a problem with the sidebar in IE, but I can't replicate it. I sent a help request to Blogger Support; hopefully they will get back to me soon. In the meantime, you were meaning to switch to Firefox anyways - why not now?
Update (2/21 10:00am EST): Looks like the problem is confined to IE and operating systems other than XP. I made a couple of changes last night, so if you have this configuration let me know if you are still experiencing this problem.
Update (2/22 4:00pm EST): Logis was able to narrow the problem down to a single post. It should be fixed now, but I'm waiting for confirmation from him.
More Accolades for BCC Weblog
"[One of] our choices for the top chess blogs on the Web." - About.com
"...a welcome...addition to the local chess tradition. Readers...are in for a treat." - The Boston Globe
"...the best chess blog (and I mean it)..." - Chess News and Events
"Provocative and refreshing ... If blogs were dairy products, this would be the cream." - Sarah Beth
"...ever-excellent..." - Streatham & Brixton Chess Club
"I love your blog -- the postings are hilarious." - WFM Elizabeth Vicary
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"Love your blog by the by. I read it every day." - Don (Man de la Maza)
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"...I again marvel at the integrity and beauty and concision of your blog, so artfully done with Thoreauian economy of metre and form. Bravo." - DK transformation
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"A Great Chess Blog" - Wagle’s World
"One of the best chess blogs on the net. It also holds the BEST link directory for other chess blogs on the net by far!... Must see!!!" - Gambetto chess blog links
One of USCL Commissioner Greg Shahade's top five chess-related websites.
"This blog is the top of the bill...for chess...outside the official news." - Logis
"Als je naar het centrum van het schaakblog universum wilt moet je bij de Boylston Chess Club zijn..." - Duveltje's Schaakweb
"...a punchy and well done blog..." - The 64 Square Jungle
"...surprised and pleased...to be linked to by this blog." - Maverick Philospher
"Good job breaking this [story] before ChessNinja and ChessBase!" - Howard Goldowsky
"The Boylston Chess Club's web blog ... is excellent. I highly recommend this site to any and all chess hounds." - Central Oregon Chess Journal
"...not just ... useful but also pleasurable to read..." - Chess Tyro
"The written word is still the most supple medium of communication, and DG wields it well. His coverage and analyses were superb." - Tom Panelas
"...really a good site and very extensive....a must to check out..." - Chessalee
"Me gusta este blog y me gustaría seguir viendo blogs de este estilo, donde los clubes aprovechen internet para darse a conocer." - Genios64
"GPCF Link of the Week" - Greater Peoria Chess Federation
"I have never been to the Boylston chess club, so I dont' know terribly much about it, but boy... can they do a website. I can't say enough good things about this site. It's ultimately one that with a) much more time; b) much more computer skills; and c) much more creativity, I would like this blog to emulate. I think it rivals (and thoroughly beats!) many of its more corporate/commercial competitors." - BlueEyedRook
"...really works hard at keeping us honest. Does that guy ... get any sleep or what?" - Pawn Sensei
"Keep up the good work here..." - Chess-In-Chicago Webmaster
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- The Boylston Chess Club (BCC) is a part of the Boylston Chess Foundation (BCF).
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