Saturday, March 05, 2011

Boylston Chess Club 2011 Lecture and Simul Series

We are pleased to announce the first installments in our 2011 Lecture and Simul series. We have a great lineup of strong players this year:

Wednesday, March 16, 7PM GM-elect Sam Shankland

Wednesday, April 13, 7PM IM David Vigorito

Wednesday, May 18, 7PM SM Denys Shmelov

Also, IM Marc Esserman has agreed to do a fundraising simul, date to be determined.

All of these lectures will be FREE to members of the Boylston Chess Club and $10 to non-members. Stay tuned for details, but several of these lectures will also be accompanied by a simul, if there is enough interest. Entry to the simuls will likely be $5 for members, $10 for non-members.

Stay tuned later this week for more information on Sam Shankland's lecture.

1 comment:

Robert Oresick said...

This sounds like a great line-up of talks. Thanks for setting it up.


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