Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Boylston Chess Club-- New Google Calendar

The Boylston Chess Club events page is now using Google Calendar. Check it out:

(Link also on the right of this page)

Just click on each event for all the details.


Calendar Template said...

Design of Boylston chess club calendar was looking good but background colour is ugly.
Calender Template

Robert Oresick said...

I personally like the new calendar look very much. It is easier to see at a glance a few weeks events, and to see all the myriad events that happen in a month's time. bob

Robert Oresick said...

Is calendar template spam?

Rihel said...

It looks like robot spam.

Ken Ho said...

"Calendar Template" can't spell. "color" doesn't have a "u".

Actually, robotron can't decide whether to spell "Calendar" correctly or not, and probably plays 1 a4 as White.

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