Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Boston Blitz vs. NE Nor'easters, UPDATE: LIVE WEDNESDAY 7PM at Boylston Chess Club

UPDATE-- The Boston Blitz (I guess for some hurricane reason) had to move the match to this Wednesday 7PM.

Poster by Tony Cortizas, Jr.

WEDNESDAY, 8/31, 7PM -- The Boylston Chess Club will host the US Chess League NE Noreasters in their 2011 debut against the Boston Blitz. As last year, games will be projected on the club wall. We also expect many masters to be available to comment LIVE on the games in progress.

At the start of the evening, there will be a brief plaque presentation in honor of the 2010 USCL Championship team, the New England Nor'easters, as well as light drinks and snacks.

Stay tuned for details of the new rosters for both teams. See the club calendar for our complete 2011 NE Nor'easter schedule.


Ken Ho said...

My money's on Godziila with that laser breath raking the long diagonals....

Robert Oresick said...

What a match!
What a poster!
Clearly the place to be in chess universe on Monday.

Anonymous said...

Looks like NE is looking at starting the year 0-2, no Shanky no Hungaski.

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