Sunday, December 04, 2011

The Boylston CC December Quads

This last Saturday's Quads yielded some interesting results. Fourteen people participated. We had a light turnout, we think, because of a larger tournament taking place in Leominster.

While small, the December Quads were lively. Six people participated in the lower rated "Small Swiss. Taking Second Place in that section were two people:
David Martin
Richard Kahn

The Small Swiss Section was won by:
Seth Lieberman

The Second Quad was a tight group of ratings between 1759-1909. It was won by:
Tyson Slesnick
with 2.5 points.

The First Quad, populated with four of our best players between 2179-2471. Again with 2.5 points,
Robert Perez
rose to the top of the heap.

The Quad's Chief Arbiter, his first time officially in that role, was new BCC Board Member Nathan Smolensky, aided by Doc Kinne.


Erabin said...

Check out my own blog post about the tournament in which I included my games against Chase and Perez:

Quozjax said...

I'm liking the new tournament director. He should do more events.

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