Thursday, March 22, 2012

Grand Prix Standings Update

With the third round of the first 2012 Grand Prix only two days away, it's time to look upon the standings and gander who leads thus far in our great journey:

Chris Williams          4
Eric Godin               3.5
Carey Theil              3.5

Jesse Nicholas            5.5
Emmanuel Mevs         5
Michelle Chen            3
Sebastian Gueler        3

Greg Bodwin             3
Harold Dondis           3
Daniel Schmidt          2.5
Natasha Christiansen 2

Mike Griffin               4
Arthur Tang               4
Robert Holmgren       4
Nithin Kavi                3.5
Thomas Laaman        3.5
Jerry Williams            3.5
Bowen Wang             3
Carissa Yip                3

Steven Stepak           7.5
David Martin             5.5
Brandon Wu              3

Alyssa Stachowski    3
Matthew Ding           2

Eddie Wei                 3
Lucy Cai                   2
Justin Wu                  1.5

Remember, the tournament continues this Saturday, March 24th, at 10 AM!

1 comment:

dfan said...

What good luck for us class A players that Emmanuel Mevs had a rating of 2001 in the January list...

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