Tuesday, June 26, 2012

BCF to Host International FIDE Tournament as Part of July Membership Appreciation Month

As one of the oldest chess clubs in the country, the Boylston Chess Foundation has a rich tradition.  But even with this history, the BCF is only as strong as its membership.  There are many people who care about the club and want to see it succeed, and that is why we have become a thriving chess community.

In July, we will be thanking our members for their support by hosting a series of special events:
  • On July 15 we will hold our Second Annual BCF Summer Picnic at Danehy Park in Cambridge.  Last year's event was a lot of fun, and we are hoping this year will be even better!
  • Throughout the month we will be featuring member games here on our official blog.  Stay tuned for further details on this fun program.
  • On July 21 and 22, we will host the club's first-ever Fide tournament.  The details are below.
Please join us in these fun events and let's celebrate the club together in July!

Boylston Chess Foundation Master Challenge

Directed by Bob Messenger

Saturday July 21 and Sunday July 22

There is no entry fee for this tournament
It is only open to BCF members rated 2200 or above
The July 2012 rating supplement will be used to determine eligibility

$450 guaranteed prize fund
$200 first place, $100 second place, $75 third place
$75 to top player under 2300

FIDE rated
Four round Swiss System tournament, using USCF Rules

Time control: Game in 105 minutes plus a 30 second increment per move, analog clocks play game in 120 minutes

Rounds: Saturday and Sunday, 10 AM and 3:00 PM

Live commentary will be provided by Grandmaster and three-time U.S. champion Larry Christiansen, Senior Master Charles Riordan and National Master Carey Theil.


Robert Oresick said...

Wow, this sounds like a great event for all, players and observers.

Rihel said...

Beautiful idea!! I know as a Board we talked about something like this for years, so I'm happy to see ideas becoming reality. I hope it is a big success and can pave the way for more events like it.

Cheers from London!

Echo Yankee Charlie said...

How will the live commentary work?

CTheil said...

We're still working on the live commentary feature. Expect more announcements soon!

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