Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 12th Christiansen Simul Recap

"It was like I went to South Station... and got run over by a train."
- A participant at yesterday's simul 

The players arrived in full force. Among the 25 packed seats were some strong competitors, including Boylston players from past and present. But in over 40 games played, only one player, expert and local high school chess coach Mike Fitch, managed to defeat the GM.
 This is three-time U.S. Champion Larry Christiansen, after all.

In case you missed your chance yesterday, but still want to try your hand against the legend, join us next month, on July 10th (the second Tuesday of the month, as usual), from 5:00 to 7:00 at South Station.

Thanks again to Biederman Redevelopment Ventures for their work on putting more in the public square in Boston. These have been great events, and we look forward to more in the coming months. 

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