Friday, July 20, 2012

This Weekend's Events and ArtBeat Festival

This weekend, we will be hosting the Boylston Chess Foundation Master Challenge, a two-day, FIDE rated tournament open to BCF members rated 2200 and above. Live commentary will be provided by Grandmaster Larry Christiansen and National Master Carey Theil. It should be a fun event! On Saturday, we will also be holding our Summer Open, a G/90 swiss. Players in both tournaments should be aware that the City of Somerville will be holding its annual ArtBeat festival on Saturday -- while this can be an added attraction between rounds, it does mean that much of Davis Square will be closed to street traffic. The city has sent out the following e-mail: "[T]he following streets in the Davis Square area will be closed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday, July 21st: Elm Street from Grove St. to Davis Square; Holland Street from Buena Vista Road to Davis Square; and Day and Dover Streets within one block of Davis Square." Davis Square is still fully accessible by T, and some street parking should still be available.

1 comment:

CTheil said...

For people who usually park in Davis Square, another option for you is to park at the Alewife T station. You can park all day there, and it is only one stop to Davis Square.

ArtBeat is a lot of fun!

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