Tuesday, February 05, 2013


The Harvard Chess Club, all regular participants in BCC events, turned in a fine result playing The Chongqing Foreign Language School of China this past Sunday February 3, 2013.
The event took place in Coolidge Room of the Adams House, on Mt Auburn Street in Cambridge.
The matchups and results were as follows:
 Aize Li  (C) (2289) vs Jake Miller (H) (2137) 1.5 - 1.5
Tony Blum (H) (2065) vs Yi Yang (C) (2231) 1-0
Ben Ascherman (1853) (H) vs Yang Heping (C) (not rated)  1-0
WFM Yun Fan (2187) (C) vs Naor Brown (2023) 1-0
Final score: Harvard 2.5  China 1.5
First Row: Tony Blum, Yang Heping, Yun Fan, Yi Yang
Second Row: Naor Brown, Ben Ascherman, Aize Li and Jake Miller
Yi Yang (left) Aize Li (right) for China
Yang Heping (left) WFM Yun Fan (right) for China
Naor Brown (left) and Ben Ascherman (right) for Harvard
Jon Ascherman, Ben's brother, (center) also a Harvard CC team member, observes.
Jake Miller (left) and Tony Blum (rifght) facing camera, for Harvard
At the end of the match, gifts were exchanged. 
Harvard CC gave each Chinese team player
a Harvard Chess Club tee shirt and Chongqing Foreign Language School gave Harvard CC an antique hand carved wooden chess box/board with stone carved pieces.


David Glickman said...

Seems as though Harvard got the better of the gift exchange. How embarrassing it must have been after they opened their gift and realized all they were offerring in return were some t-shirts.

Ken said...

According to an Amazon review, in the book Lessons with a Grandmaster, Gulko eerily foretold this:

"There are no equal exchanges; each exchange improves or worsens your position."

Steve Stepak said...

David: A bit of Contemporary Anthropology. I have a lot of experience, being a denizen of Harvard Square in the summertime and meeting literally hundreds and hundreds of Chinese young people, that all of them without exception would prefer to receive a Harvard CC tee shirt over an "antique" wood chess box/set with small though attractive carved pieces. So my comment to your comment: the Chinese team got a gift they would have willingly chosen any day of the week. All the best. s

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