Friday, August 22, 2014

Changes Coming Soon at the Boylston Chess Foundation

Dear BCF Members,

For years, we have known that our time at 240 Elm Street in Davis Square could be limited, because of changes to the building. It appears that certain changes are now imminent. According to plans we have obtained, 240 Elm Street will be renovated to become a market and gym. This means that we may need to vacate our current home. We don’t know yet what the timeline is for these changes.

We have been planning for this possibility for many years. We have communicated directly with the owners of our building, who have reassured us that there will be space available for us in the new 240 Elm Street. We appreciate that commitment. We are also grateful that the Charles River Realty Group is keeping us informed as the situation develops.

On Wednesday, September 3, we will hold a special Board Meeting to discuss these changes. If you are available, you are welcome to join us that night.

I want to thank Chris Chase and Ted Cross, who are leading a committed group of BCF members in looking for new potential homes. If you see an office space you think might be a good fit for our Foundation, let me know. Although we prefer to stay in our current building, it is important that we have as many options as possible. Believe it or not we have only relocated twice in our history, which dates back to the1850’s.

We are the third oldest chess organization in the United States. Thanks to your support, we are in a stronger financial position than ever before. Although we are now facing a challenge, I am confident that together we will find the path forward. As a non-profit organization dedicated to education and sportsmanship, we are an important part of the community. Our best days are ahead of us!

For the entire BCF Board,
Carey Theil


Unknown said...

What time is the meeting?

CareyTheil said...

The meeting will start at 7:00 PM. I apologize for not including that in the post! -- Carey

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