Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Cancelling events due to Coronavirus

Dear Chess Friends,

As Coronavirus Disease continues to spread, and as Massachusetts has declared a state of emergency, the BCF Board of Directors has met and decided unanimously to suspend operations. All tournaments and events for the remainder of March have been cancelled.

To be sure, there have been no reports that anyone affiliated with the club, or who has visited the club, has been infected or exposed to coronavirus. The decision to close the club is purely precautionary.

The Board of Directors will meet in early April to reevaluate in light of prevailing conditions at the time, and will decide and communicate its findings by way of update.

Anyone who has pre-registered for upcoming events or events in progress (i.e., the Thursday Night Swiss) will receive a full refund; separate emails will be sent with further details to registrants on an event-by-event basis.

We thank you all for your participation in the club. Trying times like these help put into perspective what an amazing community we have. I know we all look forward to getting through this challenge; and until then, see you online!

Andrew Hoy
President, Boylston Chess Foundation

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

I intend to use the time freed up to study the game and come back stronger when this rude virus has run its course.

---Steve Gradijan---

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