Sunday, January 23, 2005

Catching Up #1 - Chess Horizons

Just like at work, I'm facing a pile of material that has grown while I've been gone. I guess this is when blogging starts to feel a bit more like a job than a hobby:
  • Harold published another BCC Championship game in the Boston Globe. I'll try to post it soon.

  • The Knights Errant have been posting and cross-commenting like crazy. Major themes include - problems with CT-Art and proposed modifications to the MDLM program. I need to read through the blogs in detail and pull out the best stuff.

  • The Knights have also called a virtual meeting for tonight which I hope I can attend. I'm thinking about trying to live blog it; we'll see.

  • Pete posted another article from Femi Oyekan at Chess Underground. I haven't read it yet, but past history suggests it will be worth a post.

  • I still have lots of stuff in draft to review and post.
Plenty to look forward to, but for now I want to cover the most recent issue of Chess Horizons (the magazine of the Massachusetts Chess Association). The Boylston Chess Club/ Foundation is extremely well represented in the January-March 2005 edition:
Regarding my article on the Championship, virtually all the content published (and much more, of course) can be found in the Weblog, except for the following introduction that I wrote specifically for the magazine piece:
From late August until the end of November I provided daily internet coverage of the 2004 BCC Championship at . My motivation for this project was only partially chess-related; I wanted to learn a bit about this blogging-thing which was just starting to get mainstream attention. In point of fact, I gained an education in several areas: blogging tools and technologies, building virtual communities, tools and techniques for analyzing and publishing chess games on the web, enough html to get into trouble, something called RSS, and perhaps most interestingly, the perils of assuming the role of a journalist.

From the club's perspective the project has been viewed as a success. It provided a means for the broader membership to truly follow the Championship in a way which was not possible through paper-based cross-tables and game reports. From the comments posted to the Blog we know that it helped us reconnect with current/former members who we hadn't seen in awhile and/or who had moved out of the area. And we even had loyal readers who don't live in the New England area. To build on this effort, I decided to launch a second weblog which provides the entire BCC membership the opportunity to publish and share just about anything chess-related. You can check it out at and see how it's going.

I would like to thank Mark Donlan for making the initial content selections and assembling this article. Unless otherwise noted, all game annotations (good and bad) are mine with significant help from Fritz 8.

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