Saturday, January 29, 2005

Catching Up #2 - Chess Improvement Blogs

So much material, so little time... Here are some scatter shot bullets for now:
  • The search for the Orange Knight is over. While Don has included him in a list of abandoned chess improvement efforts, I've simply removed him from the list of Knights Errant. Let's hope he's the only casualty of the group.

  • Speaking of abandoned efforts, Don included Tim Hanke's Becoming A Chess Master site. While Tim currently spends most of his chess-related time on politics, this rating report is evidence that we have seen him across the board at the BCC.

  • I did have a chance to join the Knights for a virtual roundtable at last Sunday. Live blogging the event didn't prove feasible (I don't know how one can simultaneously participate in and document an event in real time). In any case, it was good to have the chance to meet the guys in an interactive setting. Here are brief reports and comments on the meeting from Pawn Sensei and General Kaia.

  • I've included a new section in the sidebar for Non-Knights Errant Chess Improvement blogs. Neither is a La Mazian - in fact Rakshasas doesn't hesitate to express his disagreements with the Knights' icon - but both provide interesting, worthwhile content. Check out this GM/IM game from Wijk aan Zee annotated by Pawn In the Game and Rakshasas' theory of chess improvement.

  • A quick round up of recent Knights' posts: Don modified his program and kicked butt at his club tournament. Sancho just about hit the wall but ultimately decided to continue in modified form. Pale shared his top 5 learnings from reading the Knights' blogs (#4 is my favorite). Pawn took a few days off from chess and shared some reflections. The General seems to be taking a fairly academic approach to his training: evaluating his strengths and weaknesses and describing his desired thought process. Finally, J'adoube got so fed up with CT-Art that he wrote a string of posts documenting his concerns (here and here, too).
See also "Knights to some, de la Mazans to others".

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