Thursday, January 13, 2005

Knights to some, de la Mazans to others

Previously, I joked with Don Q about alternative themes for the Knights Errant as they continue to grow in number. At the time, I mentioned the disciples of the last supper. Lately I've been considering some contemporary options -- "Twelve Angry Men", "Ocean's Eleven", "The Magnificent Seven", "The Dirty Dozen", etc. Another idea is to adopt the chromatic schema of "Reservoir Dogs"; who wants to be Mr. Pink?
Reservoir Dogs Mr. Pink & Mr. White
In any case, it is time for a new introduction; welcome to J'adoube. Other than the obvious chess reference, J'adoube hasn't mentioned any particular meaning associated with the name. For now I'm going to go with the "off-center" knight (why else adjust?).

I think I'm going to give the Orange Knight another week or so before the Search & Rescue mission is called off permanently. However, at this point I think we all need to begin to come to terms with what most likely was a terminal case of the rhinovirus.

Here is a selection of recent Knights Errant links for your reading pleasure:

Man de la Maza - Don discovers the value of keeping his blog and reaches his 100 day anniversary.

Sancho Pawnza - Sancho is either experiencing real changes in his perception/understanding of chess or he's having flashbacks (you never know when those college-year indiscretions come back to roost).

Pale Morning Dun - Pale circles the date for his conquest of Caissa. My advice to him is to stick with the current pace of the program and view the tournament as a single step on the road, not the final destination.

Pawn Sensei - While waiting for CT-ART to arrive, Pawn begins to wax philosophical. What does one do after chess? Die, I suppose.

General Kaia - The General actually takes a shot at La Maza over the price of his book (with no backlash from the assembled throng). I would certainly agree that the "free" articles provide pretty much everything you need to embark on the program.

J'adoube - ...takes a shot to the chest. No, not in a chessic sense - a real karate kick that caused him to go "flying". Ouch! I hope he is feeling better.

See also "Tipping Point".

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