Wednesday, January 12, 2005

One Member's Blog

BCF member Brian Salomon maintains a Live Journal and regularly discusses his chess playing and sometimes the BCC/BCF. Here is a recent sample:
It may not be the New York Masters, but Boston's Tuesday Night Blitz is drawing in the local heavyweights. This week starred an impressive roster:

FM, SM Bill Kelleher (2378 FIDE, 2383 USCF)
FM Chris Chase (2330 / 2304)
FM Paul Mac Intyre (2245 / 2305)
NM Jacob Rasin (2359 / 2303 / 2460 Quick!)
NM Charles Riordan (2287 / 2280)
NM Vadim Martirosov (2249 / 2215)

There's the usual slew of Experts to fight through, most of them dominated by the strong Russian Expert, Slava Volk.

With any luck, this will keep up through the Winter. Every round finishes in an exciting head-to-head Master clash for the win; no quick draws here! The environment is greatly encouraging, with killer chess all around, and it just compels anyone with an interest to raise the bar on their play.

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