Friday, January 07, 2005

Playing for your meal

An excerpt from the Humor Columns' "What's for Dinner? or the Texas-Death Chess Match":
The decision of what to have for dinner combines the strategy of chess with the brute force of burnt eggs.

Melissa: What do you want? I don't care at all; I'll fix whatever you'd like.
This is her opening gambit. It never varies.

Me: Pork chops? Steak? Chicken? Fish? I don't care; whatever you want.
The Russian-Supper counter-gambit.

Melissa: Nope! No! Ugh uh! Ain't happenin' today?
In to the fray, let the battle begin.
Move, counter move, the discussion method leads nowhere, so we carry the skirmish to the grocery and tire store.

Melissa: What about fried shrimp?
The offer of a prawn....

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