Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Yet another Knight

It sure feels as if February 1st marked a significant (dare I say, historic) event in the development of our little on-line chess community. I'm unsure what the specific precipitating developments were (possible hypotheses include: The Boston Globe article; chess personality Dennis Monokroussos starting a blog; just the accumulated impact of all of our linking, posting, commenting, etc.; others?), but this week visits have reached new peaks and chess blogs are appearing everywhere.

Today, for the second straight day, we introduce a new Knight Errant. Give a big BCC Weblog welcome to Temposchlucker from the Netherlands. I have a couple of thoughts for naming this knight, so consider the following suggestions and let me know what you think. First, as one who has a penchant for "schlucking" tempos I thought about the "knight who steps behind." Second, as our first European member I'm considering "IKOP" - the International Knight of Pancakes.

Also, check out this post by Don for information about Fussy Lizard - the silent knight (or the knight with the invisible blog).

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