Thursday, March 10, 2005

The middle six

There are currently eighteen Knights, so I decided that reviewing six at a time seemed like a reasonable approach. Here's some of the goings on in the center of the list:
  • CelticDeath offers more details on the aftermath of his wisdom teeth extraction than most people probably care to read. Of course solving chess problems won't seem so painful in comparison.

  • Tempo proves unequivocally that drinking alcohol should improve your chess. Now that's something to cheer about! Later, he posed the question about when one should accept draw offers. I offered the following:

    One of the players in our club, a master, has a simple rule "Only offer or accept a draw when you think you are losing". While I don't follow this rule myself, I think it is good advice.

    Of course, once your opponents know this is your strategy they can use it against you. See an example here.

  • Spill takes on Sil.

  • Fatboy wins Jen's challenge.

  • Way back when, Yet Another Patzer asked "will I be really improving?" If his blogging is any indication of his commitment to chess improvement then I would say probably not. I'm sorry to say that this blogger has followed the trail originally blazed by the Orange Knight.

    Everyone sing together -- 18 Knights Errant blogs on the wall, 18 Knights Errant blogs, take one down, pass it around, 17 Knights Errant blogs on the wall.

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