Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Sidebar Housekeeping

I've made a number of changes to the sidebar links and the listings of other chess blogs. Here is a summary:

Removed From The Sidebar

Rakshasas - King Patzer was first declared missing by CelticDeath. Later he posted that Rakshasas' blog was 404. In fact, it does appear to be gone for good. While he was here, Rak was both an active poster and commenter in the chess blogosphere. I'm sure he will be missed.

Blue Rook joins a couple other Knights who apparently lost their way early in the journey. I have a somewhat flexible rule that suggests a blog which goes without a post for 30 days is declared inactive (and that's where I have now listed him under other chess blogs). Desperate Measures is less than a week away from a similar fate. Let's hope he isn't lost also.

Jose, Jose... what a controversial figure you have become. I expressed concerns to Don right at the beginning of Jose Ribeiro's knighthood. Since then, others have questioned his qualifications and now there seems to be a grassroots effort to expunge him. I have now joined the group removing him from the Knights Errant list. In my case, his listing fits reasonably under other chess blogs. Regarding PSalcido's recommendation that we create more formal rules for membership, I think the current ones work fine. This incident demonstrates to me that if someone tries to take advantage of the loose admission rules, the broader Knights' community has the willingness and wherewithal to rectify the mistake.

Added To The Sidebar

Welcome Der Alter Goniff and It's fairly simple actually - give a link, get a link.

Removed From Other Chess Blogs

Fun with Chess Problems
also appears to have gone into the ether. Perhaps it has moved from AOL to somewhere else, but I haven't been able to find it.

Finally, I've made a number of additions to other chess blogs over the past month. A few that probably merit at least an initial perusal are Chess Learning, For Chess Lovers Journal, Dotbuzz, Sonja's Chess Journey and Derek880.

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