Monday, March 21, 2005

Women in Chess

As many people already know, both Polgar and Shahade will soon be coming out with books about women in . Shahade has been quite outspoken against the appearance of the site, "The World Chess Beauty Contest". Her guest blog speaking out against the site can be found at Mig's Daily Dirt , and there are literally over one hundred interesting and informative (and long) posts about women in chess and about the feminist movement in general, along with some interesting reading recommendations along the way.

The feminist movement is complicated, and something tells me that Polgar and Shahade are going to approach women's chess from different angles. I thought it would be interesting to track both of their books on JungleScan, a website dedicated to tracking rankings. The site is slow and sometimes doesn't work, but it's the only one I know about that does such things. As of today (editor's note: 3/18/05), Polgar's book ranks 186,197, and Shahade's 254,022. Polgar's book is scheduled to be available in stores on May 1, 2005, and although Shahade's was originally scheduled to be available February 15, her publisher informed me that the current release date is now June 1.

posted by Howard Goldowsky

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