Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Chess and Gender

Here's something you probably won't read in Jen Shahade's new book:
Katrina says she doesn't see any difference in the way girls and boys play . "Except the girls are the best in our school," she says with a smile.

After watching the tournament for years, however, Michael McIntosh says he definitely sees a difference between the boys and girls.

"The boys come out after a game and say 'I crushed them. I killed them. I wiped them out,'" said McIntosh, chess coach at Bonneville Elementary in Salt Lake City and a former tournament director. "The girls will come out and say, 'She was really nice,' or 'I let her take a piece because I felt bad for her.'"
Read "Tiny strategists match wits in local chess tourney" from The Salt Lake Tribune.

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