Monday, April 11, 2005


The blogosphere is filling up with stories from the 2005 US Chess Federation Supernationals III Tournament in Nashville, Tennessee.

The 64 Square Jungle offers a Chicago-centric perspective, while at Mountebank, a parent of a player on the PS282 chess team (from Brooklyn, NY) shares the trials, tribulations, and moments of joy associated with overseeing a group of kids at an event like this:
So far, there has been vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain, headaches, tears, bloody lips, and tantrums, but no actual fatalities.
Apparently the event did not get off to an auspicious start as there are a few reports about serious deficiencies in the organization of the blitz and bughouse tournaments. My favorite story, however, comes from Joel at Not That -- a non- player trying to go from Nashville to Chicago who gets consumed by scholastic chess madness:
... anything would have been preferable to staying on the plane another minute, as I was afraid I was going to have to strangle someone with my iPod earbuds. For whatever reason, there was some national youth chess championship in Nashville this weekend, and my flight out was filled with giddy nerds who wanted to celebrate ... by playing more chess.

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