Thursday, April 28, 2005

Knight Notes

  1. Fussy Lizard completed the 7 circles. Congrats.

  2. Fatboy put his training on hold -- having to attend to real life can be such a bear. I'll list him as "on hiatus" along with General Kaia, but this is obviously not a satisfactory long-term solution.

  3. Takchess and Viking Sword checked in after long absences. Each was at serious risk for being dropped from the list, but apparently both are continuing to pursue the program. Sancho has also come in from the cold with a few new posts.

  4. That leaves Margriet and Salcido as the Knights who have been quiet the longest at this point (both since 4/11) -- not yet close to the 30-day rule, but not that far away. Of course, you can always glean bits of information about the princess from Tempo.

  5. Finally, Harmless has requested entrance into the Knights and at least one has added him. Having read his blog, I would urge caution. For one thing he has yet to make any post about the program or even about chess in general for that matter. In addition, there are a few other suspicious things I noticed, e.g. his first post is from 2001 and then there is a 3-year gap to his next; he has ads prominently displayed at the top; etc. This may all be explainable, but I'm going to wait on this one.

    Update (4/29): It seems we had the wrong url for Harmless. With the correct one in hand, we can now offer him an official welcome and best wishes for success. A name? The Nasty Knight.

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