Monday, April 04, 2005

Mining comments again

1. At Takchess, Jim noted that on CT-Art...
When I make a mistake, it shows me the Red and Blue squares. Next it gives me the simpler alternate problem on the right side of the screen.
Pale Dun explained...
You refer to what are known as "the arrows of shame," "the squares of ignorance," and the ever frustrating "idiot box."

2. Jim also expressed concern about his addiction to purchasing books, to which Don replied...

Don't worry, Jim. Even if you don't read 'em, chess books are a babe magnet.

3. CelticDeath posted on some technology improvements he had installed at his house. Pale Dun's response leaves no doubt that he really is from Montana:

What? No bomb shelter? No American home is complete without the ultimate accessory of global paranoia. I have two.

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