Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Don't mess with Mother Blogger!

Apparently J'adoube has learned the hard way that playing around with things like your Blogger URL can be fraught with danger. While his blog still comes up under the original address, apparently he is no longer able to update it. Therefore, a current version of J'adoube is only available under this new URL - Knights, please update your links to this new address when you have a chance.

Update (12:25pm): Don't change those J'adoube links quite yet. It looks like Jim may have fixed his problem. Perhaps he can rename the new URL, Son of J'adoube.

Speaking of links, I've noticed that several Knight's listings of fellow Errant ones are a bit out of date. In a number of cases the newest inductees have yet to be listed. It's certainly not my desire to be the sidebar policeman for the Knights Errant, but I do think it is important to the community that the Knights take the time every now and then to keep up with changes, new inductions and defrockings.

And while we're still on the links topic... I've cleaned up and updated the other chess blogs post again, so you'll find a few new additions there. I was amused to see that our old "friend" (?!) Jose Ribeiro has moved on from chess pieces to chess boards.

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