Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Opening Trepidation

There must undoubtedly be much anticipation in the chess community for this week's HB Global Chess Challenge. But for Daniel Tapia at A Patzer's Tale there is this queasy feeling of unease which must be overcome first.

... I had this sinking feeling in my stomach. I tried ... thinking of what was wrong but I couldn't figure it out.

And when I thought about my opening repertoire the sinking feeling got stronger. I was nervous about the HB Global and my lousy preparation. Choosing your opening is really about asking who you are ... a philosophical question. I've been in desperation mode the past few days thinking about what to play, but every ten minutes I change my mind.

Speaking of the HB Global Chess Challenge, Maurice Ashley joined the chess blogosphere just a few days ago. His first couple posts find him in Minneapolis setting the scene.

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