Saturday, August 20, 2005

Sidebar Action

A few changes of note to the sidebar:
  1. I added The Closet Grandmaster and Ginsta's Chess Blog -- both as a result of the "give a link, get a link" rule. I would certainly encourage you to make The Closet Grandmaster a frequent read. It is definitely one of the better new chess blogs I have come across recently (you've probably noticed that I've linked to it frequently over the past few weeks). Ginsta also looks interesting, though he hasn't posted since the end of July. Here's hoping he starts posting again so his stay on the sidebar isn't short.

  2. GM Maurice Ashley's blog lost its place -- he's simply not posting often enough. You can now find him under Other Chess Blogs.

  3. Among the Knights, Vic seems to have disappeared in a permanent (404) way. And while I didn't make any changes today, I am concerned about Knightwiz, Sliver Dragon and Zeon - The Paradoxical Knight who have all been quiet for awhile. Are you guys out there?

  4. On the structural side, I've turned Classic Chess Blogs into a post rather than a separate sidebar section. I also added an Essential Chess Links section, mostly for my own benefit since I visit these sites frequently (though, I'm certain many of you do too).

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