Tuesday, October 11, 2005

New Blog Listings

The last few weeks have been rather productive in terms of finding new chess blogs to list. Here are some of the recent additions:

Hot Rock Teamchess Teams - Follows the adventures of The Hot Rock teams which play in the FICS leagues. Knights will be happy to hear that in T28, "The Hot Rock didn't start so well, losing the first round with De la Maza U2000 by 1:3."

Fooblog - Blogger Foobob describes himself as a "Patzer at just about everything."

Consultation Game - Just what it sounds like -- currently on move 13. Seems to have some association with GameKnot.

Winward Chess Club Forum - Covers chess events in Hawaii and links to the Hawaiian Knight, Pawn Sensei.

Coffeehouse Chess Monster - Master painter Lee Gordon Seebach's chess blog.

Nigeria Chess Player Forum - Covers the chess exploits of Nigerian players.

Central Oregon Chess Journal - Chess in and around Bend, Oregon.

はむれっとのチェス日記 - A Japanese chess blog. The Google translation to English is somewhat readable, though I'm not sure about the significance of all the "rabbit" references.

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