Monday, November 07, 2005


Two items metaphorically associated with the idea of rising from the ashes:

The first is an e-mail I received from Jean Troendle, the proprietor of Cajun Chess in New Orleans. The 64 Square Jungle interviewed her shortly after Hurricane Katrina flooded the city taking out their warehouse and business operations. Now, Jean reports that Cajun Chess is back in business, one more small step in the recovery and rebuilding process. Check out the Cajun Chess website.

The second item comes from Pawn In The Game's Jens Madsen. He was looking for Rihel's e-mail address to let him know about the new Chess Club he is forming in Morgantown, West Virginia (Aside to Jason: your old e-mail address is no longer valid; you may want to contact us with a new one). It seems that Morgantown has been without a club for quite some time. In fact, the last club closed up shop many years ago when its former president, Jason Rihel, left the state. It's a small world after all!

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