Thursday, December 01, 2005

No chess players allowed

Here's a story to remind us that this country still has a long way to go in fighting discrimination (on Rosa Parks Day, no less):

Chess players who have battled over the boards for years in the food court at the former Irondequoit Mall in suburban Rochester are getting booted out by the mall's new owners, and they're none too happy.

"We're not bothering anyone," David Worl, a retired school psychologist, said in Thursday's Democrat and Chronicle. "I really feel we've gotten jilted," echoed another 70-year-old, retired salesman Ray Licata....

[Mall owner Adam] Bersin put up a sign last week announcing a ban on chess or card games beginning Thursday...

It might be time to join the skateboarders and create our own bumper sticker --

Playing Chess Is Not A Crime!

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