Monday, December 12, 2005

A quick tour of the chess-sphere

  1. Ed Galliard has a nice post on recapturing the joys of casual chess.

  2. J'adoube offers the first post in his year-end "Best of J'adoube" series.

  3. This reminded me that I have let the one-year anniversary of BCC Weblog pass without a comment. Perhaps I'll have to follow J'adoube's lead at some point. For now, here are a few of the earliest posts from November 2004: Chess, Personality and Madness; The ultimate sacrifice; An engineer's dream.

  4. More J'adoube -- his letter about GM Larry Evans' assertion that a school in Alabama banned chess was published in Chess Life. Here are the related blog entries: Banned! Revisited; Oak Mountain Intermediate School to GM Larry Evans: You are wrong!; Banned! Revisited Again.

  5. Say hello to funkyfantom, the newest Knight Errant.

  6. Other Chess Blogs discovered recently: ChessTalk (videos), Chess Cat, Glenn's Blog.

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