Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Goodbye, Hello

Inevitably, there comes a time when we need to say goodbye to old, inactive chess blogs. Therefore, I have decided that once a blog has remained inactive for over a year it must either be promoted to the Classic Chess Blog listings (surely this will be a rare occurrence) or, in the vast majority of cases, removed entirely. Removal was the decision for two such blogs -- 32 Pieces Of My Mind and Chess Spectator.

In other news from the listings:
  • Three Knights Errant -- SiliconPawn, Smith-Morra, and Knightwiz -- have been placed in hiatus, as they have not been heard from in well over a month. (Update 2/2: Smith-Morra is back!)

  • Jens at Pawn In The Game has fallen victim to the problems at ModBlog (apparently the service started encountering issues and the developers chose to stop supporting it). In his last post, Jens reported that he will either "move to another service or just quit blogging altogether." [Do let us know what you decide, Jens.]

  • Several other blogs have been moved from Active to Inactive including long-timer KansasJohn5, video-blogger Chess Talk, FICS tournament players Hot Rock Teamchess Teams, plagiarist 1.e4 Nf6, and relatively recent newcomers Glenn's Blog and Chess Cat.

  • Coffeehouse Chess Monster was no match for the 404 Monster.

  • And, lest you think it's all bad news, there are as always some new additions to check out including Royal Lopez Chess Club, JDK Blog, El Ajedrez es Mi Pasion, Ups en downs van een schaakamateur, two Japanese chess blogs, and GM Susan Polgar's 2nd blog -- Chess Blog For Girls.
On an antipodal note, old friend Logis ran into similar problems at ModBlog. For those of you who don't know him, Logis was one of the early members of our band of chess bloggers who eventually ran out of things to say about chess and moved on in different directions. In any case, he has established a new blog on a different service and is now looking to reconnect with some of his old chess blogging friends. You can help him out by leaving your link at this post. Welkom terug, Logis!

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