Monday, May 15, 2006

More Dot Points

  • A couple of new multi-media entries in the chess sphere: Video #3 at Chess Talk and The Closet Grandmaster's first podcast.

  • The second issue of Underground Review is now available for download -- a lot of art and philosophy, not so much chess. Is this a good or bad thing? You be the judge.

  • A couple of bloggers have announced their retirements (either temporarily or permanently): Knight Errant Salcido and Qxh7#.

  • Several others have been reclassified as inactive without such fanfare, including previous sidebar residents Loren's Chess Blog, The Patzer's Tale and Ajedrez por Sertal and Knight Errant Funkyfantom.

  • A couple of other Knights, St. Patzer and Smith Morra, have been quiet for awhile. Is the Errant clan going through a shrinking phase?

  • In the opposite direction, Chess Improvement Efforts reemerged with a new title - My Critical Chess Positions - and Schach und nochmal Schach posted again after a long hiatus.

  • Among newer listings, Chess Boxing Club Berlin might be of interest.

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