Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Heading to the Marriott in Springfield, Massachusetts this Labor Day weekend for the 2006 New England Open? Are you in for a surprise when you get there.

Harold Dondis of The Boston Globe reports that the venue has been changed, but not in time to update the publicity:

The New England Open, regularly held on Labor Day weekend, is having venue and publicity trouble. Originally the tourney was planned for the Marriott Hotel in Springfield but organizer Joe Sparks reported that he was unable to complete the arrangements. This left a gap in one of New England's most prestigious tourneys. The Massachusetts Chess Association (MACA) has jumped into the breach and rescheduled the competition to be held at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel, 99 Erdman Way, Leominister.

Unfortunately, publicity had already been issued for Springfield, including a detailed advertisement in the July issue of Chess Life. This cannot be changed, and it could be a serious matter for people journeying to Springfield only to find an empty playing site.

If you discover yourself in Springfield staring at an empty ballroom, you might find these directions helpful -- only 75 miles to cover before the first round begins.

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