Monday, August 21, 2006

Prelude to a Championship

Invitations to the BCC Championship tournament have been sent out to all masters in the club and the winner of the Reubens-Landey qualifier. For those of you not invited (including me), now is the time to express your interest in playing in the Hauptturnier -- a round-robin tournament which runs in parallel to the Championship. Sign-up at the club or let Bernardo or Bob Oresick know of your interest.

The Championship and Hauptturnier begin on Monday, September 11th. In a significant change from past years, the time control will be 30/90, SD/45 -- making this the first time that there is no possibility of adjourned games.

In a related note, at last week's Board meeting BCF President (and former club champion) Paul MacIntyre was asked why two master lectures were scheduled for August. Regarding NM Riordan's lecture he replied, "I wanted Charles to have a chance to lecture while he is still champion."

Watch out! The pre-Championship trash talking has begun.

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