Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker

Those of you with a copy of the September issue of Chess Life can turn to page 42 for "G8 Predecessors Win Amateur Team Championships" by CJA Chess Journalist of the Year Pete Tamburro. The article covers the improbable run of four Boylston Chess Club members who won the 2006 US Amateur Team Championship. The piece includes a picture of the team at the club, but regrettably, the associated caption at the end of page 43 does not list the team members in the correct order. For the record, left to right in the picture are Charlie Mays, NM Alex Cherniack, Lawyer Times and NM Charles Riordan.

To me, one of the most interesting aspects of the article were the mentions of the jobs three of the four players hold. While I've been involved with the club for many years and know these guys and many other members pretty well, I must admit that I don't know that much about what most do outside of chess.

I know we have one member who is in the construction business since his name always comes up every time we talk about doing something structural to our space. A few work at local universities -- a Dean, a Librarian, a Researcher, and probably others. There are several lawyers who come in handy when we need to renegotiate our lease, and at least one MD whose services were actually required during a tournament some years back.

As for the G8 Predecessors, the article states that in addition to the GM-killer on Board 1, the team was comprised of a technical writer, a postal worker, and a homeless shelter counselor.

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