Saturday, September 30, 2006

Championship Standings after Round 3

2006 BCC Championship

3.0 - FM Chase
2.5 - FM MacIntyre, NM Riordan
2.0 - NM Cherniack, Times
1.5 - NM Martirosov, NM Krasik
0.0 - Williams, Salomon, Rihel

Key 4th Round Matchup: Chase-Riordan

2006 Hauptturnier

Note: Since there are only nine players in the Hauptturnier, one receives a bye each week. Therefore, not all players have played the same number of games through three rounds. To adjust for this, the rankings below are based on the ratio of points earned to games played, not absolute points earned.

2.0/2 - Glickman
2.5/3 - Clayton, Iglesias
2.0/3 - Lee
1.5/3 - Driscoll, Gorczyca
0.0/2 - Oresick, Hager
0.0/3 - Frazier

Key 4th Round Matchup: Lee-Glickman

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