Tuesday, September 19, 2006

New York Jets play the Italian Game

From "Jets Building From Ground Up" at the Hartford (CT) Courant:
Chess masters have been producing and refining their opening moves for centuries. In the game of strategy and stamina, the earliest moves sometimes have the greatest repercussions.

One of the earliest openings, and still one of the most popular, is called Giuoco Piano. Devised in the 15th century, it literally translates to "the quiet game" and eschews flashy arrogance for patient discipline.

When Jets general manager Mike Tannenbaum and coach Eric Mangini approached their first NFL draft as ultimate decision-makers, they probably did not reference the famed Encyclopedia of Chess Openings, which catalogs thousands of early maneuvers. But when they used their No. 4 overall pick to take offensive tackle D'Brickashaw Ferguson from Virginia - skipping past former Heisman Trophy quarterback Matt Leinart as well as a chance to trade up for Heisman Trophy running back Reggie Bush - the quiet game was in full effect.
It's still too early to tell how the Jets are going to do this season. Though, in the meantime, let's not tell them that 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5, as often as not, leads to a lively struggle.

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