Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Where rocking horse pieces eat marshmallow pawns

About Chess has been blog tripping again.

They mention several blogs that are providing US Chess League coverage -- BCC Weblog, JG's Master Quest, Globular's Chess Blog, and Shakmaty Bereolos. For the sake of completeness, you can also find chess blog coverage of the league at San Francisco Mechanics and Jennifer's Blog at Chess Life Online. OnlineChess.ca seems to have abandoned his Pascal-only coverage.

BCC Weblog also received a mention in the "Just for fun?" category for the piece on the 2006 CJA Awards -- Pete Tamburro chess journalism awards announced. Looking back at it now, I realize I missed the boat on The Chess Mind. While Dennis was certainly deserving of the award he received, a better choice might have been "Best coverage of Fighting Irish football in a chess blog."

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