Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Annual BCC Herb Healy Open House 2007

The new year was ushered in with the annual Herb Healy Open House at the Boylston. Bernardo Iglesias and Mike Griffin (head chef) organized the party and tournament, for which Bernardo and Walter Driscoll were TDs.

It was a great turn-out, in numbers (67), in chess friends new and old, and in player strength, with 13 masters playing and FM Jacob Rasin and IM Satea al Husari visiting and observing.

The masters included FM Chris Chase, IM David Vigorito, FM Paul MacIntyre, FM Denys Shmelov, NM Lawyer Times, LM Eric Godin, NM Charles Riordan, GM Larry Christiansen, FM William Kelleher, NM Alex Cherniack, NM Max Enkin, NM Chris Williams, and IM Joe Fang.

Click here for photos by Robert Oresick.

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