Monday, April 02, 2007

Talking Patzer Talk

To be honest, it is sometimes difficult to find chess at Chess Patzer Theories. However, that doesn't mean there isn't any interesting information there -- especially if you like moblogging technology and/or Malaysian street food. A few of Andrew's recent posts caught my eye.

First, he came clean about doing paid sponsored posts for PayPerPost. I've been fairly hesitant about over commercializing this blog, something that certainly can't be said for Chess Patzer Theories. For example, I waited over a year before putting Google ads up here and have tried to make them relatively unobtrusive (which is good for the readers, though not so good for earnings). Nevertheless, every dollar helps our struggling foundation and if PayPerPost is really as easy and (relatively) lucrative as Andrew suggests then it might be worth a look.

Next, he mentions Alexa website popularity ratings and includes rankings for several chess sites and blogs. I can see another installment of my "Measuring the Chess Blogosphere" series on the horizon.

Finally, there is this cryptic post which suggests that his blog is in its final days. At first I thought it might be an April Fool's Day joke, but the post is dated April 2nd. Who knows if they even have the April Fool's tradition in Malaysia? In any case, Andrew promises "Reason and explanation tomorrow." Whatever happens, I certainly hope he doesn't plan on shutting down ChessPublisher.

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