Monday, June 04, 2007

Holiday Chess

I have no doubt that most chess bloggers took a moment or two over the Memorial Day holiday to think about the many heroes who have given their lives in the defense of freedom. That being said, there was still plenty of time to play chess during the long weekend.

The best Memorial Day weekend chess report comes from chessloser at Hardcore Pawnography. He attended his first OTB tournament -- the US Amateur West Championship in Tucson, Arizona. Now, before you click on the link, I must warn you that chessloser's posts often contain not-ready-for-primetime language. He did title his blog "Hardcore", after all. If you think you're going to be offended by reading the f-word several times, then don't read his post. Consider yourself warned!

For those who opt not to read the entire post, here are some high points:
somehow, the kid goofs, i end up pushing a pawn and i mate him. holy crap. i think i won. yep, i won.... outside, i thank him. i tell his mom and coach he played really well, i got lucky. his mom is angry at him, his coach is angry at him. his mom says “you didn’t get lucky, he played bad and let you get lucky.” i thank her and quickly back away. poor kid....

i walk around handing out HARDCORE PAWNOGRAPHY stickers, pimping out my chess blog. turns out lots of chess players don’t know about chess blogs. also turns out lots of parents think i am trying to sell porn or something. only a few people laugh at the title and realize it’s about chess without explanation. some, with explanation, still think it’s about porn....

i learn that there is a rule that says black gets to choose what side the clock goes on. YOU GOTTA BE ... KIDDING ME! you mean that there has to be a rule for that?!?!?! are chess players that socially retarded that two adults can’t come to an agreement on what side a clock is on without it being in the rules? wow....

my opponent is another 10 year old asian kid. rated 1204. i’m black and i’m aggressive, he is up on material shortly, and he is mated shortly. my nickname for this tournament should be SARS, as i am deadly against the asian kids....
Here are some other bloggers who spent their holiday over the sixty-four:

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