Friday, July 06, 2007

Wamala accusations contained in 4-year old "time capsule"

The Severine Wamala saga has taken another fascinating twist. According to the Lowell Sun, one of Wamala's accusers backed up her story to police by producing a letter detailing the accusations which she included four years previously in a sixth grade "time capsule" project:
As her sixth-grade "time capsule" project, the then-11-year-old girl wrote her most painful secret in a letter, folded it and placed it in a sealed envelope that she kept hidden in her room.

"There is something surprising about me that people wouldn't know," the young girl wrote in the letter described by Nashua police Officer Scott Ciszek.

She was having sex, she wrote, with a man no one would have suspected.

The letter was written four years before the police would knock on Severine Wamala's door in Nashua after the girl, now 15, confided her secret....

The girl showed police the letter that she had written in the sixth grade, because "she didn't want us to think this was a false accusation she brought up in the heat of the moment,'' [Nashua Detective Jonathan] Lehto testified....
Read "Police: Girl's letter discloses sexual abuse" from the Lowell (MA) Sun.

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