Saturday, August 04, 2007

GM Kritz at the BCC this Wednesday Night

The Boylston Chess Club Master Lecture Series presents:

A Lecture and Simul with

International Grandmaster
Leonid Kritz

Wednesday, August 8th, 7:00 p.m.

Where: The Boylston Chess Club

Admission: Free to Boylston Chess Foundation members, $10 for non-members. The simultaneous exhibition will be limited to 20 players; first come, first served.

Profile of GM Kritz:
  • Born 02/26/1984 in Moscow, Russia
  • GM since 2003
  • World Junior Champion under 16 in 1999
  • Participated in the FIDE Knockout World Championship, 2004
  • Member of the German Team, Olympiad, 2004
  • Winner of over 10 International Tournaments, including the Las Vegas Masters, 2006
Adapted from the event flyer

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