Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Gregory Kaden is the winner of the 2007 Reubens Landey

Alan Price had won his first three games, but lost to Greg in round 4.

In the fifth and final round, Greg Kaden then defeated Carey Theil to clinch first place with 4 1/2 points. So, Greg will play in the 2007 Boylston Championship.
Alan Price drew with Simon Warfield to finish with 3 1/2 and a share of second.

Farzad Abdi beat Andrew Wang to get his 3 1/2 points and half of second.

Farzad and Alan may be invited to play in the championship, contingent on the field of club masters who want to play this year. Bernardo Iglesias will make the final determination.

Congratulations to all for a hard-fought tournament.
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