Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Qualifier Kaden no pushover in Championship

2007 BCC Championship after Week 2

In past years, it may have been the case that Masters in the BCC Championship looked upon their games with Reubens-Landey qualifiers as breathers from the week after week intensity of Master vs. Master competition. However, if two weeks make a trend, then this is unlikely to be the case in 2007. Greg Kaden, the winner of this year's qualifier and the lowest rated player in the Championship, remains undefeated after scoring a week 2 victory over FM Paul MacIntyre. Do we have a Cinderella story brewing?

Here are the standings after week 2 (note that a few Round 2 games were postponed and will be made up later):

1.0/1 - IM Vigorito (2432)
1.0/1 - NM Riordan (2331)
1.5/2 - NM Cherniack (2296)
1.5/2 - Kaden (2071)
0.5/1 - NM Williams (2302)
0.5/1 - NM Rueda (2261)
0.5/2 - FM MacIntyre (2276)
0.5/2 - NM Times (2241)
0.0/1 - FM Chase (2338)
0.0/1 - NM Wang (2249)

2007 Hauptturnier after Week 2

Carey Theil has joined the junior circuit, making it a 12-player field. For those who like fighting (or perhaps more accurately, decisive) chess, we can report that so far there have been no drawn games in the Hauptturnier.

Here are the current standings (a couple of Round 1 games still need to be made up):

2.0/2 - Chisam (2063)
2.0/2 - Glickman (2027)
2.0/2 - Newman (1909)
2.0/2 - Lee (1724)
1.0/1 - Theil (2031)
1.0/1 - Driscoll (1800)
0.0/1 - Slive (2000)
0.0/1 - Oresick (1472)
0.0/2 - Haunstrup (1898)
0.0/2 - Portugues (1823)
0.0/2 - Frazier (1600)
0.0/2 - Gorczyca (1380)

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