Thursday, October 04, 2007

Kaden-mania overtakes the club

2007 BCC Championship after Week 4

IM Vigorito continues to lead the Championship by a full point, however, all the talk is about his 4th round opponent, Reubens-Landey qualifier Greg Kaden. Still the lowest rated player in the field, Greg remains undefeated and tied for 2nd place after holding Vigorito to a draw -- something none of the Masters have been able to do so far. While I haven't reviewed the game myself, I'm told that Greg uncorked a nice exchange sacrifice which turned his bishop into a monster.

You'll notice a slight change to how the standings are displayed. Going forward, those players who have fallen behind in their schedule will be listed after those who have completed the requisite number of rounds to date.

3.5/4 - IM Vigorito (2432)
2.5/4 - FM MacIntyre (2276)
2.5/4 - Kaden (2071)
2.0/4 - NM Riordan (2331)
2.0/4 - NM Cherniack (2296)
1.5/4 - NM Times (2241)
0.5/4 - NM Rueda (2261)
2.0/3 - FM Chase (2338)
1.5/3 - NM Williams (2302)
0.0/2 - NM Wang (2249)

2007 Hauptturnier after Week 4

David Glickman and Ken Newman share the lead by half a point over Eddie Chisam, though several players, who have only played two games to date, could make their presence known among this group as they make-up postponements.

3.5/4 - Glickman (2027)
3.5/4 - Newman (1909)
3.0/4 - Chisam (2063)
2.0/4 - Lee (1724)
1.5/4 - Frazier (1600)
1.0/4 - Portugues (1823)
0.0/4 - Gorczyca (1380)
1.0/3 - Oresick (1472)
0.5/3 - Haunstrup (1898)
2.0/2 - Theil (2031)
1.0/2 - Slive (2000)
1.0/2 - Driscoll (1800)

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