Thursday, October 18, 2007

Something Different

That had to be one of the strangest Annual Members' meetings I've attended in a long time. There were many reasons, but I'll just mention the most obvious -- an actual Club Officer election took place!

Incumbent BCF President FM Paul MacIntyre faced a challenge from long time member and former Officer, Board Member and Club Champion FM Chris Chase. Prior to the vote, much discussion was had, between the two candidates and among the assembled members, about current issues and future directions for the foundation and the club. Members variously expressed support for both candidates and the outcome of the eventual balloting was very much in doubt.

Voting was done by secret ballot and I had the privilege of tabulating the results with the assistance (and under the watchful eye) of Ted Gorcyzca. The count was rather eventful itself. Chase got off to a strong lead, but as more votes were unfolded MacIntyre slowly came back. Finally, the two were dead even with only two ballots remaining to be counted. Already I was thinking about what we might need to do to break a tie ... a second vote? rock, paper, scissors? Someone mentioned a Blitz game. The last two ballots were unfolded and they were both for Paul. A tie had been averted, but it sure was close. I was thankful that there were no demands for a recount.

From there, the meeting reverted to the typical Chinese Communist Party elections we typically have -- not OMOV, but OCNV (one candidate, no vote). Nevertheless, this still resulted in a 50% turnover among the Officers for the new year. Those serving as Officers in 2007-8 are:
There were nine nominees for the Board of Directors with six elected, including several new faces. The Board Members for 2007-8 are:

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