Saturday, October 27, 2007

Steve Stepak reunites with Garry Kasparov after 18 yrs.

Can you put my favorite photo on the BCC web page?

The photo was taken by a friend who wishes to remain anonymous just after I was conversing with Kasparov as he signed his book for me; I was reminiscing about Fall of 1989 when he came to Harvard to give talk at Russian Research Center and an 8 board master clock simul at Sanders Theatre: 7 humans and a computer. Garry won all games. I reminded Garry that one of the photos I took of him doing his simul appeared on the cover of Chess Horizons that Winter !! Garry facing off with now IM Vivek Rao! at Sanders Theatre.

Kasparov was happy to remember this visit, after which we were inspired to seal our memories with a handshake. And here you see it. Real smiles on both sides because 1989 were happy times, Perestroika and Glasnost appear on USSR horizon. Garry introduces Cambridge audience of 1989 with these terms; and now 15 Oct 2007 18 yrs later, Garry delivers a highly appreciated and well-applauded speech on life on and off the chess board at First Parish Church, Cambridge, MA USA.

I am grateful. Steve

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